Do you belong in StarClan or the Dark Forest?

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Hello, young warrior. I am Pebblestream, an ancient dappled blue she-cat with silver paws and ice-blue eyes. I'm going to assess you to see whether you belong in StarClan or the Dark Forest! Come, young one, discover your destiny!

You are now on the border between StarClan and the Dark Forest. Listen and answer the questions that I, StarClan, the Dark Forest and a few of my EclipseClan friends ask you. Don't be afraid, your spirit will only be sent to the place you'll truly belong when you die.

Created by: Pebblestream
  1. What role were you when you died?
  2. What Clan are you from?
  3. Who do you want your mentor to be?
  4. What is your gender?
  5. What do you want your name to be?
  6. What color do you like best?
  7. Where do you want to go when you die?
  8. Now get ready to meet some StarClan cats. Ready?
  9. Bluestar: What part of a plant do you like?
  10. Firestar: What is your opinion of kittypets?
  11. Spottedleaf: Choose the group of herbs you prefer.
  12. Thunderstar: Who do you want as a mate?
  13. Crookedstar: Would you let yourself be trained by the Dark Forest to help your Clan?
  14. Now get ready to meet some Dark Forest cats. Ready?
  15. Mapleshade: How much do you love your kits?
  16. Thistleclaw: What do you think of the Dark Forest?
  17. Tigerstar: How ambitious are you?
  18. Now, get ready to meet a few of my EclipseClan friends. Ready?
  19. Violetmoon: What do you think of leaders?
  20. Lunashade: Again, where do you want to go when you die?
  21. Lunastar: What do you want one of your nine lives to be?
  22. Cometdusk: Do you have an enemy? (glares at Skydapple)
  23. Skydapple: Do you have an enemy? (glares at Cometdusk)
  24. Twinkleshine: What do you think of love?
  25. Tunatail: Do you like eating tunas?
  26. Breezeleaf: Do you like cats?
  27. (Me) This is my last question. Again, where do you want to go? StarClan or Dark Forest?
  28. Final word?
  29. Bye bye!
  30. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I belong in StarClan or the Dark Forest?
