do u know basketball?

some people THINK they know basketball, but coming from a true baller, some people really dont. here's a quiz to see if u live up to my personal basketball standards. dont score low...u might see me one day on the bball court. ill be ready to deminish u..

R u a real basketball junkie? do u eat sleep, and breath basketball? ha...u only thought u did. this will put ur mind to the test. if ur an oldschool baller, dust those converse off and take a ride back to the court. this one might throw ur focus off...

Created by: amber
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. in order to get down the court, what must you do with the basketball?
  2. if u pick up the ball after u have already dribbled it, can u dribble it again?
  3. at halftime, do u switch goals that u were shooting at?
  4. how many people (players) are aloud on the court from each team?
  5. "butt down, back straight" is referring to what?
  6. who is diana taurasi?
  7. where is dirk nowitzki from?
  8. what is the greatest basktball film ever made?
  9. what is double dribble?
  10. to be considered a true b-ball player must u eat, sleep, a breath basketball?

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