Do i get on peoples nervs?

OK sometimes people say you get on their nervs... are they joking? or are they serious? Check this awsome quiz out to find out! If you take the quiz, youl be so happy to know if you are getting on peoples nervs!! Cause its inportante to know if your friends are realy your friends...

Do you think your getting on peoples nervs? Take this quizz to find out.. But be carfull, the truth hurts! But answer honestly cause if you cheat, it doesnt do any good.. Cause your just denying that your getting on peoples nervs...GOOD LUCK

Created by: Venessa of bobocall911
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you talk realy fast?
  2. Do you have a high or low voice?
  3. Do you touch poeple alout when you talk?
  4. Are you random?
  5. Do you have alout of friends?
  6. For school teams or what ever, do you often get picked last?
  7. When you get close to someone, what do they do?
  8. Whats your favorite colour?
  9. Do people call you after school?
  10. What do people call you?

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