Disney Prince Quiz

Everyone knows the Disney Princesses but few are elite masterminds of Disney Princes. They know all about them! Only a few can be these. Could you be one of them? Take my quiz to find out!

Warning:If you are reading this it clearly states not to cheat! Do not go to Wikipedia to cheat! Cheaters are not appreciated and will not be tolerated!

Created by: Larissa
  1. Is the Beast in Beauty & The Beast a prince?
  2. Did Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid fall for Ursala's trick?
  3. True or false: In Sleeping Beauty,Br-air Rose met Prince Philip on her 16th birthday.
  4. What color is Prince Charmings hat?
  5. Do you like this quiz?
  6. Belle's prince has a ponytail
  7. Is there a green prince?
  8. Rate?
  9. Comment?
  10. Aladdin isn't really a prince.

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