david desrosiers

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this is a small and very easy quiz about the one and only david desrosiers well actually i'm sure somewhere there is another david but you know,... we arent talking about him, in this quiz we will see if you are a true david die-hard if your not like i said google him.

do YOU love david, do you know much about him, are you a true fan... or did u get bored and wanted to pass the time... either way it's cool i understand,... so take the quiz and find out if you are a true david die hard

Created by: matt
  1. what band is david in
  2. what posistion does david play
  3. what is david's favorite color
  4. what band member does david live with
  5. what is david's favorite food
  6. in the year 2002 what color and style was david's hair
  7. in which songs did david have a solo in
  8. is david gay
  9. what former band was david in and with what 2 members
  10. what country is he from
  11. bonus #1 your opinion who is the hottest member
  12. bonus #2 my opinion who is the hottest and best member
  13. what is david's favorite word
  14. what relaxes david
  15. what is david's favorite phrase
  16. what is davids favorite animal print
  17. does david prefer boxers or briefs
  18. put this in order *hair styles*

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