David Copperfield Book Quiz

David Copperfield, is certainly one of Dickens best books- which also dive into most of his life events, as David is partly based upon Charles. (Even their initials are the same, simply backwards.) It has some of the most classic characters, including Betsy Trotwood, Uriah Heep, and the Micawbers.

As you've probably wondered how much you know the book, once you've read it, this quiz not only dives into simple questions, but questions involving literature, who only the people who absorbed the details the most will get right.

Created by: Dickensreader
  1. David was born with a caul, which eventually winded up with a lady, who boasted of never:
  2. What did David's father call his wife?
  3. What is Annie's mother called?
  4. Which name did Betsy Trotwood say would be a better one for the Rookery?
  5. The doctor who brought David into this world, was of what description, and of what name?
  6. Complete the sentence about Mr. Barkis. "He sat in his usual place and attitude, like a great-"
  7. Which of these was a friend to Micawber in the King's Bench Prison?
  8. When David was upon the road to find his aunt in Dover, he encountered a somewhat frightening man, whom he attempted to sell things to, who exclaimed:
  9. Moving on, this is the second to last question involving David's childhood. Whom was the teacher who got defied by Steerforth?
  10. This question is relatively easy; Mr. Creakle had a man by him, who always ...
  11. Uriah Heep, had an affection for whom?
  12. When Micawber exposed Heep of fraud, he used what material to protect himself from him?
  13. Spenlow and ...
  14. Dora's lapdog's name is
  15. Dr. Strong's first name is
  16. Julia Mills marries a man, who is
  17. The love of Traddle's life, Sophy, has what last name?
  18. Which is the last sentence of the book?

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