Crossroads of Power (1760-70): Political Compass

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Are you one of the adherents to the many multitude of Whig factions in the House of Commons or are you a Ministerialist committed to protecting and carrying the policies of government? Are you one of the various Independents in Parliament, a Radical seeking to implement sweeping political changes to the age old Revolutionary settlement of 1688, or are you one of the few remaining Tories in Parliament who stubbornly cling to your principles and seat in Parliament?

Find out as you take your seat in the first Parliament of the reign of the new King, George III. A multitude of political issues face you, Parliament, the government and the country as a whole. These range from whether we should seek peace in the Seven Years War, introduce some taxation to alleviate the burden on the Treasury, how to deal with the quagmire of radicalism, and that ever annoying issue of the American colonies.

Created by: Dr Gonzo
  1. Should the government look to push for peace in the Seven Years War?
  2. Should Parliament consider some form of Parliamentary Reform?
  3. How should we deal with the issue of America?
  4. Should the government introduce a cider duty tax to help pay off our war debts?
  5. What do you think of the influence of the Crown?
  6. What are your views on religious toleration?
  7. How should we deal with John Wilkes?
  8. What is your view on the Constitution? Is it the Ancient Constitution that defends our liberties as Englishmen, or the Protestant Constitution welding Crown-Church-Aristocracy?
  9. Should we support economical reform?
  10. What are your views on foreign policy and the Empire.

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