creepypasta time!

you are a geneus so thank you for that knives and knives and knives and knives and knives and knives and knives and knives so many knives too many knives. Stab stab stab.

Do u think that you could be your creepypasta? Well try it out and see if jou can! Stab stab sta #jimmy casket. Lol hashtag smily face. You so speacal so try it out.

Created by: Homicidle_liu

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Wat wepon would jou choose?
  2. Whats jour fav youtube star
  3. Do jou like candy
  4. Whats your fav creepypatsa?
  5. Ir night and jou walk in to thedark forest jou get captured by...
  6. Tobys buggin jou what would jou
  7. Do jou like
  8. Do jou love jour pet
  9. This is halloween
  10. Are jou a lover or fighter

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