Could You Be a Medicine Cat?

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This quiz will show if you would make a good medicine cat!! It will say a herb and you must click what you think it helps or how it helps!!! Will your dream to become a great medicine cat come true or will your dreams be ruined?

Are you better as a warrior or a medicine cat ? Are you meant to hurt and fight or pick herbs and heal. Whatever you are you will always be there to save your clan.

Created by: SophiaBrown1114
  1. What do borage leaves do?
  2. What herb cures rat bits?
  3. What is the best herb for greencough?
  4. How do you stop bleeding?
  5. How do you mend a broken bone?
  6. You step on a sharp stone. What herb do you use?
  7. What three herbs can you use for infection?
  8. How do you cool down a fever or chills?
  9. A cat has breathed in too much smoke. What herb should you use?
  10. A cat has a belly ache from eating too many mice. What herb should you use?
  11. One of the grumpy Elders has a tick. How do you get it off?
  12. Poppy seeds are for soothing shock or suffering. When do you not want to give a cat poppy seeds?
  13. What do Stinging nettles do?
  14. Your leader has a bad cough. What should you give him/her.
  15. You run out of Juniper berries but a kit has a belly ache. What can you use.
  16. What helps shortness of breath?
  17. Do you want to be a medicine cat?

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