How well do you know medicine cats and there duty's?

Have you ever wondered if you know a lot about medicine cats? Well this is the test to take! Don't feel bad if you get the wrong answer its only a test!

Depending on what your answer is you will get 0% !00% or somewhere in between. Feel free to come back later and do this quiz again, and try your best!

Created by: Scarlet
  1. Why aren't medicine cats allowed to have kits?
  2. Who was leafpools apprentice?
  3. Whats jayfeathers main personality trait?
  4. Whats used for belly aches?
  5. Whats used to soothe throats?
  6. What is Borage used for?
  7. Who is mothwings apprentice?
  8. Do they follow there leader or starclan?
  9. Why aren't medicine cats allowed to have mates
  10. Whats mothwings big secret?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know medicine cats and there duty's?
