could we be friends!

hello my names Panic! (obviously not my real name lol) this is a quiz to see how well we would get along! give it a go and see if we could be friends,

(i have no clue what else to put here bu tit has to be at least 150 characters long so imma just spam ahhhhhhhhhhshdbhjcbdshcbdshcbjhdsbcjhjds bjcbbcjhhhh)

Created by: Panic
  1. First, whats you gender? (will never affect results!)
  2. age range( has a small effect)
  3. do you like five nights at freddy's?
  4. do you watch mcyts?
  5. are you ok with cling and affectionate?
  6. whats your music taste like?
  7. do you like drama?
  8. minecraft?
  9. not racist, homophobic, transphobic, or anything close to that
  10. you ok with witchcraft stuff ( if not that's cool)
  11. :) if you have instagram, wattpad, reddit, or tik tok and you score above 40, feel free to put it in the comments!

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