Cong-Cong's Planets

There are winners and people who are not winners but say we can't win all the time only if your perfect witch noone is perfect even me I make mestaks all the time

Do have a power to beat my Quiz go have fun while takeing my test and be a winner no mader what score you get your still a winner and don't think you'll miss any who knows you may get a 100%

Created by: Caleb
  1. People on Z-Zack goes by_years?
  2. How much is a day on yourgertmom?
  3. How big is Lug tone?{only feets}
  4. There is _____ days in one year on Tapagold?
  5. Tar is alawys_________?
  6. Gart is in summer but it could get_______?
  7. Beacon has what shape on the planet?
  8. Joebeth is the what planet of Cong-Cong?
  9. Monngoogoorang lives in a fog called what?
  10. What is the temasher on Tarbeast?
  11. Acwy has ____ hours in a day?
  12. Eglbert has _____________ days in one year?
  13. Jamen is how big?
  14. Zome has ___hours in one day?
  15. People on Jamis goes by ___ years?
  16. How do they say Connetuts?
  17. Gracewy is 100.f in the morring but what is gracewy in the nighttime
  18. Tanbcan has ____ days in one year?
  19. Terg is how cold?
  20. Trygon is what kind of a planet?
  21. Dartsetis is always _________?
  22. Sworgon is _ft tall?

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