Common Sense Quiz

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In this quiz I have included ten questions that will hopefully make your mind think. It is my goal that these won’t be incredibly easy, but who knows? You might get them in a second flat.

Now I need a space filler, so you can ignore this paragraph :) Pineapple strawberry blueberry kiwi lime banana apple honeydew lemon raspberry blackberry

Created by: TheDorkWhoWrites
  1. Choose the image that has the most green.
  2. Maria’s mother-in-law has eight children. How many cousins does Maria have?
  3. Zyxwvutsrqponml
  4. A boy throws a ball 10 feet away from him. After a few seconds, it comes back and hits him. What direction did he throw the ball?
  5. I have seven oranges. I put two of them away, eat one of them, and give three of them to my friend. How many oranges do I have?
  6. What letter comes next? ABCD___ ? Hint: It's not E!
  7. How many Queens does England have (as of 2020)?
  8. 22
  10. There are 5 children. Zaze, Zeze, Zize, and Zoze are the names of 4 of them. What is the fifth child’s name?

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