Clone Division quiz

This quiz took me 3 days to complete. I did as best research as I could in order for you to get the best result. If you love Star Wars as much as I do then you'll understand. Enjoy! And may the force be with you! Does anyone read these?

My in depth love of Star Wars caused me to create this. My Lego clones are my pride and joy, so as you can tell I love clones. I think that clones are easily one of the best characters in Star Wars.

Created by: Benson
  1. Which strategy would you choose?
  2. Which role meets you skills the most?
  3. Do you trust your superiors?
  4. Which clone commander is the best?
  5. Which battlefield are you most comfortable in?
  6. What is your weapon choice?
  7. How will you die?
  8. Choose a force user
  9. Choose a color
  10. Which type of people do you work best with?

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