Clash Of Clans Test (as on 20/04/19)

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In this test, I will test your knowledge of CoC. Also, visit my other quiz - "Which Clash of Clans Hero Are You?".sdsfdsfsafdasgfdgfdgfdsgfdsgdsgdsgfdsgf

In t.his, I will tes.t your kno.wle.dge of C.oC. Also, vi.sit my .ot.her. quiz - "W.hich Cl.ash of C.lans H.ero Y.ou.?"

Created by: AlphaHowl
  1. What is the LOWEST th level by which you can unlock ALL the heros?
  2. According to the contest on 22 August 2012, what does P.E.K.K.A. stand for?
  3. At what Town Hall level can you first use wizards?
  4. Yes! The previous question's answer may have seemed strange, but think again! During the tutorial, you get 5 wizards to spend by attacking the goblin map! Anyway, here's the question: what is the Barb King's ability called?
  5. When was the first update in CoC?
  6. The first update of CoC included what?
  7. Which company created Clash of Clans?
  8. The company which created CoC has the least powerful CEO. True/false?
  9. if you doubt any question - search it up! I am not lying to you! Anyway, on 20/4/19, TH12 has how many giga tesla levels?
  10. Actually, the CEO of Supercell is proud to be the least powerful - this allows his employees to have more freedom, so they feel better and are more productive.Next question: the eagle artillery has only 4 levels. True/false?
  11. Does the PEKKA laugh when it hits a building?
  12. What is the cannon cart's ability called?
  13. What is the attach that uses PEKKAs, Wizards and Golems?
  14. How many gems are needed to buy all 5 builders, altogether?

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