christian rock bands

You think you know your christian rock bands well lets see if you have what it takes to pass this test if you cant pass this you must need some new music to listen to because these are some of the most awsome songs and bands!

Are you a christian rock guru?? do you have what it takes to master this test, or do you need to do some studying. well take a few minutes to compelet this test and fing out!

Created by: confusing
  1. these lyrics are from which TFK song?? "no matter what life pulls you thru you got what it takes to make it thru"
  2. Blindsides song You Must Be Bleeding Under Your Eyelids refers to what??
  3. what band made a song about myspace
  4. what band has a rotating drum set???
  5. these lyrics are from what skillet song?? "you beg you pled can i be some one else for all the times i hate myself
  6. which band has a song called "Rain Song"
  7. which band does this song belong to "the fatal wounds"
  8. what is the band and song name??? lyrics:Write down,to remind yourself on how it can be Heartstrings, you're tugging at my heartstrings
  9. which switchfoot song says "life is more then money time was never money time was never cash.."
  10. which sanctus real song is about a married couple who wants to get a devorce

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