Christian Living Unit 7 Mrs. Anderson

There is a lot to learn in Christian Living with Mrs. Anderson, about law. You can use this quiz to help you become a master of all there is to know! (Some incentive is good grades!)

Please allow yourself to study well with this quiz, and please do not fall on your face when you come across the easiest questions with the most useless options. Some of them are copy-righted by Mr. Drevitch himself!

Created by: AlexanduhHi
  1. What are rules enforced by state?
  2. What is the name of the idea that the state is the source of law?
  3. What are principles humans discover in nature?
  4. What are principles humans discover in Scripture?
  5. What is law in harmony with moral law?
  6. Natural Law is discovered from which?
  7. Biblical Law is discovered from which?
  8. Which worldviews hold to positive law?
  9. Which is one of the reasons why legal systems that deny God ultimately fail?
  10. Which is ANOTHER one of the reasons why legal systems that deny God ultimately fail?
  11. Which is YET ANOTHER one of the reasons why legal systems that deny God ultimately fail?
  12. Which is one of the examples of natural law?
  13. Which is ANOTHER example of natural law?
  14. Which is one of the things through which law is revealed?
  15. Which is ANOTHER thing through which law is revealed?
  16. Which is YET ANOTHER thing through which law is revealed?
  17. Which is one of the purposes of law?
  18. Which is ANOTHER purpose of law?
  19. Which is an evolutionary view of the US Constitution?
  20. Under what type of law is the purpose of court to apply God's laws to serve justice?
  21. Governments that enact an atheistic approach to law have historically been...?
  22. "Might makes right" is what worldview's main view of law?
  23. What word ultimately describes the reason why transcendentalists believe they themselves are the ultimate authority when it comes to law? "They believe they are..."
  24. Law is given by WHO, according to Christians?
  25. Every culture and ideology has, at its core...?
  26. Which is not one of the key ideas that get to the heart of why laws were established?
  27. These key ideas have to be in...?
  28. Which is one of the three essential elements of a system of law based on atheism?
  29. Which is ANOTHER one of three essential elements of a system of law based on atheism?
  30. Which is YET ANOTHER one of the three essential elements of a system of law based on atheism?
  31. Where is our verse found?
  32. For He has _ a day when...
  33. ... when He will _ the world with _ ...
  34. ... by the man he has _ ...
  35. He has given _ of this
  36. of this to _ by
  37. by _ Him
  38. Him from the _.
  39. Do you think you did well?

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