Chemistry for beginners 7

We all know that there are many smart people right? If they can do genius, why can we, we can do better than them if we will study hard!! genius defines as exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

Are you smart? Being smart isn't mean that your the most genius but it means that you have the ability to answer and to answer well... thats the meaning of the real smart and genius!

Created by: college
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who discovers the protons?
  2. What do you call the light particles?
  3. It explains the composition and behavior of matter.
  4. It explains the composition and behavior of matter.
  5. It explains the composition and behavior of matter.
  6. Two parts of solution are ______ and _______.
  7. Chemical formula of unuquadium
  8. Which of the following is a mixture?
  9. Nitrogen,Oxygen,and Argon are examples of which of the ff.
  10. Classified as pure substance and mixtures.

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