Check your fortnite IQ here

check your IQ on both skins and ammo and guns. This is a big trivia map. It won't be that easy this will mostly be for OG,s of Fortnite. Remember this is just a test hope you enjoy!

There will be many hard and some easy ones. Rules: Don't use google. Remember to be fair. If you're not fair you won't get your real score. This isn't exactly right don't get mad!

Created by: Marcus
  1. What type of ammo did the first Revolver use?
  2. What place wasn't on the map at season 4?
  3. What is the rarest skin?
  4. What level did you need to be to could buy Renegade raider?
  5. What season did purple tactical shotgun get removed
  6. What was the most OP gun there ever was?
  7. What was the first ever Epic emote?
  8. What emote is not a dance
  9. how much damage did the pickaxe do to players in season 4
  10. could you drink a chug jug in 1 second with an emote?
  11. Why did the OG SMG get removed?
  12. what was never in the game?

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Quiz topic: Check my fortnite IQ here
