Chapter 5 Study Guide

They're are dumbasses and they're are smartasses. Which are you!šŸ¤”This test is entirely on Civics but will you pass and get an A on the testšŸ˜µ? Take this test to find out how smartass you really are

Can you be the best SMARTASS CHAMPIONšŸ˜Take this challenging civics test to find out if you have the power to conquer that title without breaking a sweatšŸ˜“

Created by: Newna India
  1. The United States Congress is made up of two houses. This is known as a ____ legislature.
  2. What could bring about a vote of censure?
  3. Who assists the majority and minority leaders in congress?
  4. In the senate bills are brought to the floor by what event?
  5. Who are the standing committees of each house controlled by?
  6. Which group specializes ins a subcategory of its standing committees responsibility?
  7. Which committee acts as a study group for the house and Senate?
  8. Why do some lawmakers believe congressional staffers have too much power?
  9. Which office is the budget making work to congress coordinated by?
  10. What are the two house of the legislature?
  11. What is the process of setting up new congressional districts after reapportionment called?
  12. What are the people in districts represented in congress called?
  13. Who is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives?
  14. Who is president of the senate?
  15. A filibuster can be stopped when three fifths of the senate vote for what
  16. How is the power for write the rules in congress controlled
  17. A list of the house subcommittees
  18. Which government office is responsible for the statistical abstract of the United States?
  19. About how many items does the library of congress contain
  20. What is the speaker of the house responsible for
  21. What is the Majority leader responsible for
  22. How does the existence of committee in the house and the senate enable congress to work more efficiently?

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