Ce ai fost intr-o viata anterioara ?

Depending on the resulting score, a different message will be displayed. For example if someone scores between 0% and 16% on the genius quiz, you might want to display the message, "You need to go back to school and do some studying, because your genius score is very low! Hit the books then come back to try again." There are six different possible result messages. You must set them now. Each must be at least 100 characters long.

Depending on the resulting score, a different message will be displayed. score is very low! Hit the books then come back to try again." There are six different possible result messages. You must set them now. Each must be at least 100 characters long.

Created by: Moldovan of Diverse
(your link here more info)
  1. Ce fel de filme iti plac?
  2. Ce culoare are o masina verde?
  3. Cat a durat razboiul de 100 de ani?
  4. In ce an a castigat Steaua Bucuresti cupa campionilor europeni ?
  5. Cum se numeste stadionul echipei Real Madrid ?
  6. Cate minute se acorda la pauza unui meci de fotbal ?
  7. Ce sport a practicat Mike Tyson ?
  8. SS Lazio este un club de fotbal din orasul ?
  9. Din ce tara este clubul de fotbal Manchester United FC ?
  10. Ce nationalitate este jucatorul de fotbal Clarence Seedorf ?

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