Can you take a bullet?

Take this quiz or I tellF'rum the retarded rabbit to come eat your family and your plasma screen if it's at least less than 72". Muhaha Muhaha Muhaha Muhaha Muhaha ha.

Think you'd be a great police man, bodyguard, or C.I.A specialists. Then take this quiz to see how you'd fair against a dude with a gun if Steven Segal can do it why can't you?

Created by: Shane Houston
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How fast can you run?
  2. Do you have fighting experience?
  3. Have you ever worked a gun?
  4. Your at an AppleBees, what do you order?
  5. You enter a gun fight, what to you pull out.
  6. You see a chick in a commercial wearing bikini and goggles firing a gun at a target. What do you think?
  7. How much can you lift?
  8. How much do you weigh.
  9. How physically active are you?
  10. Is someone after you?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Can I take a bullet?