Can you solve these riddles?

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Riddles! Riddles! Riddles! Riddles! ALL HAIL RIDDLES! Lots and lots of people believe to be clever, are you one of them, if so are you really, or is it just a white lie?

Think you are clever enough to solve these? Well to bad, I DARE you to try this!!! Oh don't forget to comment and rate! BYE! ADIOS! KHUDA HAFIZ! SAYOUNARA!

Created by: love54
  1. Let's start easy. What's black and white and red all over.
  2. What is small in size but could fill an entire room?
  3. Mary's mom has four kids the are April, May, June. What is the name of the last one?
  4. A man is going to a party. On the way he sees 7 men with 7 wives. And each wife had a basket with 7 cats. How many people were going to the party.
  5. A man is found dead on a Sunday morning. His wife calls the police immediately. The police question the wife and staff. The wife said she was asleep, the cook said he was cooking breakfast, the gardener said she was picking vegetables, the butler said he was cleaning the closet, and the maid said she was getting the post. The police immediately arrested the murderer.Who was the murderer?
  6. He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?
  7. You put me in hard. But then I become soft. Blow me hard and I will get bigger. What am I?
  8. There are two planes. One is going from New York to London at a speed of 600 MPH. The other is traveling from London to New York at a speed of 500 MPH. When the planes meet which one will be closer to London?
  9. What is a stick but not a stick?
  10. How can a pants pocket be empty but still have something in it?

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Quiz topic: Can I solve these riddles?