Can you marry Elsa?

Only if she existed (she does in a way.) You are stood there in a church, what would they all say? Well see if you can get in the church first! take this quiz described below.

Do you have a secret crush on Elsa from Frozen? Well don't feel embarrassed. "Let it go!" Now you can see if you have a chance to marry her! First you need to imagine her, then know about her to make it realistic, then take the quiz!

Created by: Toby Barnes
  1. How old are you?
  2. Do you prefer fire or ice?
  3. Would you always go to her parents' kingdom all the time?
  4. What is your favourite sport?
  5. Build a snowman or have a snowball fight?
  6. What would you call your snowman?
  7. Do you drink enough water?
  8. Would you rather use powers or weapons?
  9. What ring would you get for your marriage?
  10. What are your parents like?

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Quiz topic: Can I marry Elsa?