Can You be Trusted?

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Ever look at a friend and wonder if they're trustworthy? If so I'd suggest sending them this quiz to check if they are. But if you're just doing this for fun you know that nobody can really be trusted, so why not just take this quiz as a precaution?

I'm sorry if this is not very accurate. I tried my best but I know I can't please everybody. Anyway, have fun seeing if you're trustworthy! And remember - NOBODY IS.

Created by: SilverMoon
  1. Do you tend to be an introvert or extrovert? (Introvert means you tend to gravitate towards things like being alone, quiet e.t.c and extrovert pretty mush means the opposite)
  2. Do you keep secrets?
  3. Are you afraid of anything?
  4. Read much?
  5. Watch Tv much?
  6. The dreaded color question!!!! Mwahahaha! >:D Which is your favorite color combo?
  7. Would you actually consider yourself trustworthy?
  8. Birth season?
  9. Favorite room in your house?
  10. Feeling sad right now? (I am, just read a bunch of Sadstuck and listening to sad music :/)

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Quiz topic: Can I be Trusted?