Can you be my BFF?

Everyone says can I be your BFF in my school! So I made a quiz for that. If you are able to pass this quiz Congrats! But if you fail do it again! :):(

Do you think you are capable to be my BFF? Keep all my secrets? Do you wanna find out take this test! Abd when your finished rate me high and comment please!

Created by: 123294
  1. What is your favorite part of the day
  2. What's my favorite color?
  3. What do you think of video games?
  4. What color is your hair?
  5. Are you a book worm?
  6. What's your fav color!
  7. What type of person are you?
  8. Who is your favorite singer?
  9. Who is your fav group of singers?
  10. Did you like this quiz/test?

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Quiz topic: Can I be my BFF?