you know your from phillipsburg when

This town is made up of everything. Some of the stuff only a true resident can name. so if you think you are a true PBURGER than try this quiz out.

If you do pass this quiz you will be noticed as a true PBURGER for the rest of your life. Just remember only 15,000 people can pass this quiz. if you fail I fell sorry for you cause you dont live in PBURG.

Created by: mike
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. on a fall friday the hangout spot is
  2. a good place to get a hotdog is
  3. the only two thing your town pays attention to is
  4. your highschool
  5. a good slice of pizza is at
  6. the two high school smoking spots are
  7. the three community sport teams are the
  8. The police take_____ minutes/hours/days to respond
  9. the curfew is
  10. you never cross the free bridge during
  11. your school colors are
  12. your school doesn't have a
  13. your town nickname is

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Quiz topic: You know my from phillipsburg when