Can I Guess Your Age?

Nobody really looks at these, but hey. If anyone is, here we go. FOB IS BAE FOLLOW ON INSTA, @OLYMPIAN.LUKE FOR PJO POSTS BECOME PART OF THE FAM BY DMing @OLYMPIAN.JUNIPER

YES THAT WAS SHAMELESS Advertising. For the last question, I DO NOT MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE IM SORRY IF I DO LOVE TO YOU ALL. ALSO if you get 4 - 5, lol

Created by: Dr Deth Defy
  1. How do you spend your free time?
  2. Opinions on My Chemical Romance?
  3. Do you have a phone?
  4. Which is a compact state?
  5. Who is Percy Jackson's cousin (Thalia)'s brother?
  6. Who goes out the back door but you love her anyway?
  7. Is this quiz making sense?
  8. Are you a genius?
  9. Are you enrolled in any AP courses?
  10. Last Question. What are most of your scars from?

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Quiz topic: Can I Guess my Age?