Bridge To Terebithia Quiz

Bridge To Terabithia, a great movie but with a few sad parts. An imaginated world created by only 2 people. Leslie and Jess who pretend they are the King & Queen of Terabithia rule over the palace.

Only some people can watch the movie and remember everything that happened in it, but can you? Take the quiz and find out how much you know about 'Bridge To Terabithia'

Created by: Cassandra
  1. Who plays Leslie in 'Bridge To Terebithia'?
  2. In the book, what was the name of the cow?
  3. In the movie, what year students are only alowed on the back seat of the bus?
  4. In the movie, what colour were the flowers that Mabel had grown?
  5. How does Leslie die?
  6. What type of animal does Jess buy and what did he call it?
  7. When Mabel decides to come to Terabithia she gets her foot stuck on something, what was it?
  8. What did Leslie give Jess for his Birthday in the movie?
  9. Where did Jess get the wood from to make the bridge?
  10. where was the treehouse placed in Terabithia?

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