Breaking Benjamin Lyrics

I really don't know what to put.....or care.....have a nice day, I guess..Random gibbbbeeerrrissshhhhh. UGH i hate this......ALmost done......thanks, bye

I really don't know what to put.....or care.....have a nice day, I guess..Random gibbbbeeerrrissshhhhh. UGH i hate this......ALmost done......thanks, bye.

Created by: Raven
  1. What song is this from:"We can chase the dark together, if you go then so will I"?
  2. Which lyric line is from Dance With The Devil?
  3. What song is this from:"Inside out and in between"?
  4. What album has "Home" on it?
  5. Which of these songs isn't on Phobia?
  6. Which of these songs is on We Are Not Alone?
  7. What CD has Next To Nothing and Sooner Or Later on it?
  8. What song is this from:"Shut up I know, I said so"?
  9. What song is this from:"Tonight, we start the fire. Tonight we break away!"
  10. What song is this from:"We are never sad because we are not allowed to be"?

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