Blueberry inflation allergy

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This is an altered idea for a book/Manga out of several ideas that I want use one day. The premises simple for this idea that is the first in a series of tests I would like to make. Some of these tests might be carbon copies basically because this isn't the only fruit inflation allergy test I want to try making. I will try to keep each test a little different though that's not just carbon copies.

The way this works is simple just like a regular allergy works when you eat blueberries or anything that has any ounce of real blueberries in it you'll just inflate like a regular blueberry inflation. However though unlike most allergies which can be dangerous here the only dangerous that come are being temporarily Giant and inmobile like and unlike some blueberry inflation there's no fear of Poping.Also if you get one of the unaware endings feel free to take the test a second time this time as if you would now just experienced it and you just got back to normal. meaning the unaware endings sort of like two part endings.

Created by: Hi4itsa5me6
  1. After going on a tour you just wound up in a factory accident after one of the workers accidentally spills one of the many vials held in their equipment onto you and to make sure you're in health they run a quick test on you. Would you know about your allergy or are you about to find out. As in as a character in the story would you want them to find something and be able be inform you or do you want to figure out by surprise.
  2. When you find out would you ever risk this happening in public.
  3. Would you do this at home / in private
  4. How many people would you like to have when you blimp up
  5. What should one blueberry do to you
  6. How long should inflated reaction one last
  7. Where would you turn blue first
  8. What you do this on request
  9. Would having a noticeable amount blueberry juice in your system after an inflation cause you to swell up periodically
  10. It's so secure would you take it
  11. How often did you consume blueberries before

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