Belly inflation

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Fish fish fish chips aren’t bad enough to get the fish fish chips are good and the size is a good place for a bike and if you are in towns and it’s ok to

Created by: HI MY NAME IS FLAP
  1. You wake up naked tied to a chair
  2. A tube makes it way into your ass and starts to pump water through it into you
  3. Your belly starts to expand
  4. Your belly has expanded now you look 9 months pregnant
  5. The tube slowly starts to pull its self out of your ass
  6. Tube 1: The tube started to make its way towards your mouth and through it can air. It started to fill your belly until you where two times the size of a 9 month pregnant woman. The tube then leaves your mouth and you hear a voices that say you are free to go. You struggle to walk out
  7. Tube 2: It started to make its way towards your mouth and through it comes milk. It starts to come fill your belly, along with the water from earlier it makes you look 3 times the size as a three month pregnant woman. You hear a voice saying you will fill up until you are 10 times the size you are now
  8. Tube 3 and 4: Some slimy substance comes out of it slowly and makes it way over to you and one stream forces itself in your mouth and the other stream forces into your ass. It it fills you up fast and the chair releases you but the slime carries on until It is all inside you.
  9. You go home and sit down with difficulty
  10. You go to bed with your huge belly and rest

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