Beautiful Secrets Part 8

*PLEASE READ* Winner is in the results! If you are the winner you seriously need to comment how you want to be portrayed in the story or else I'll have to make it up! So if you can, please put your name and your personality type and physical features in the comments!

Alex Hart has jet black hair, icy blue eyes, a sexy collar bone, and lean muscles. Nick Martinez is more of the athletic type with his nice tan, brown hair like Zac Efron's, gray eyes like a light rainfall, pearly white teeth, and a pretty amazing body. Sam Mitchell is the adorable, quirky, shy one of the bunch with his strawberry blonde hair, green eyes like a freshly mowed lawn, and that one dimple that always gets to you. Zac Anderson is Mr. Seductive. He has dark brown hair, big brown eyes, a nice lean body, and smile that makes your legs go wobbly. Christofer Henderson and his mysterious ways eggs you on to learn more about him with his coal black hair, strange hazel eyes, distinct jaw line, and fit body.

Created by: Dannica

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Scratch that, almost fell. I screamed, ready to fall to my death, my stomach churning and flipping like crazy; my emotions scattered everywhere. I heard screams from beneath me and a crowd of people were watching with horror; some of them were recording a video with their camera phones. My body was dangling in the air, the only thing keeping me from falling was Christofer. He held a tight grip on my hand and pulled me back onto the compartment like I weighed nothing.
  2. The safety bar fell, but thankfully didn't do damage to anything or anybody on the ground. I held onto Christofer's shirt for dear life for fear of falling again. Everyone was ordered to get off the Ferris Wheel and once I was on solid ground, I hugged Christofer. "Thank you so much. You saved my life," I said, still hugging him. He smelled really good so I kind of buried my face in his chest because he smelled like pomegranate. He was stiff and awkward about it, but he still hugged me back. "Um, I have to go. Sorry," Christofer said with an expression on his face that I couldn't make out. He rushed off and I saw him exit school grounds while mounds of people were checking if I was okay. "Yeah, I'm fine." I kept saying that over, and over, and over again. Why did Christofer have to leave so soon? He saved me. "______, are you okay?!" "For the last time, I'm...fine." I softened up my tone when I saw it was Zac who was asking. He put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Come on, I'll take you home."
  3. "Where's Alex?" I asked, disappointed that he wasn't there. "He went rushing out the gates, but he said he'd meet us at the car," Zac replied. He took hold of my hand and led the way out of the gates. I let go of his hand and then scanned the premises for Christofer. We got to the car, where Alex was patiently waiting. "Where did—" I stopped when he gave me a look telling me to shut up and wait until we get home. I got in the car and just sat there while Zac talked about how freaked out he was and how lucky I was that Christofer was there to save me. He stopped in front of the drive way, said good-bye, and then drove off after Alex and me thanked him for the ride. I rang the doorbell and Auntie Lisa answered as we got in. "How was the carnival?" She asked with a grin. "Fine. It was fun," I said, not wanting to freak her out by telling her about the whole Ferris Wheel incident. "Oh, well you don't sound like you had fun. Now go change your clothes and get to bed. You guys have school tomorrow, remember?" I nodded and followed Alex upstairs.
  4. "Are you okay?" He asked me, taking hold of my shoulders and looking me straight in the eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. How about you?" Alex dropped his hold and said, "So the safety bar just gave way like that?" I nodded my head gingerly since he just completely avoided my question. "I really appreciate how you were there once I got off the Ferris Wheel," I shot at him, trying to make him feel bad. "I had to see where Christofer went. I think he's bad news." "He saved my life." "Yeah, but he ran off like he wasn't supposed to." "Maybe you're just intimidated." "By him? I don't think so. Just stay away from him, okay? I promised your mom I'd take care of you. Trust me on this one." I sighed. Christofer SAVED me from death. How is he bad news?
  5. "Can you tell me why you're so over protective from Christofer?" I asked. "No, I can't. Just let me take care of it first. Let me figure it out and then I'll tell you." "I can help, you know." "Yeah, but you don't have your powers yet so you can't protect yourself when I'm not around." That was a valid argument, but I still gave Alex a dirty look. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. "I'm just trying to protect you. Understand that." He put his finger on my chin and tilted it up so that we were staring into each other's eyes. I was still annoyed so I forced myself to break the gaze. Just because Alex is all cute and stuff doesn't mean he can tell me what I can or can't do without much reason. He knows I can barely resist him so he's using that to his advantage. Well no sir. I'm going to find out more about Christofer and that cabinet alone if I have to. Just call me sherlock.
  6. I stalked into my room out of frustration. "G'night, Princess," I heard Alex call behind me. I closed the door shut and sat on my bed until I realized I still had to brush my teeth. So much for a dramatic exit. I opened the door again and saw Alex still standing in the hall with an amused grin on his face. "You forgot to brush your teeth," he said. "Yeah, I know," I replied sourly. I made my way to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. After I brushed my teeth, I moved on to washing my face. When I was finished, I poked my head out of the door to make sure Alex wasn't there still. The coast was clear, so I made my way soundlessly into my room and closed the door behind me. I turned off the light in my room scurried my way to the bed in a hurry because of those 'imaginary' monsters that I make up in my head that I always think will drag me under the bed and eat me. I tucked myself in the covers and put my iPod on shuffle just to skip to one specific song and then slowly faded ti sleep.
  7. The memory of my near death was haunting me in my dream. It kept playing over and over, and every time the terror got worst. One time, Christofer was a little too late in grabbing my hand and I was falling through the night sky when I was caught in Zac's arms. Zac. As in April's Zac. I knew he shouldn't be there in my dreams at all, but his face was just engraved into my mind. The dream slowly faded to black and I slept peacefully. My alarm clock woke me up at 6:50 A.M. My first thought when I woke up was to find out what Christofer did after he abruptly left because most people would usually stay around and enjoy being the hero. I jumped out of bed and did my normal morning routine. I was ready by 7:45 and I patiently, but anxiously waited downstairs for Alex. Auntie Lisa was preparing some toast with Nutella and I already had eaten a slice when Alex came downstairs.
  8. We ate in silence. Well, I did. Alex and Auntie Lisa kept trying to pull me into the conversation but I was scripting what I was going to say to Christofer if I saw him today. "Okay, you guys are going to be late so I guess we should get going!" Auntie Lisa suggested. I got up and opened the garage and got in the car. "Are you all right?" Alex asked. "Mmmhmm." "Sweety, is this about a guy?" Auntie Lisa asked. I shook my head and then she asked, "Is it this Tara girl again? I'd be happy to run her over for you if you'd like." I laughed a little before I said, "I'm fine, really. I'm just...tired." I opened the car door, got out, said bye to Auntie Lisa, and walked through the gates with Alex. "You sure you're fine, Buttercup?" He asked me. "Yeah. And Buttercup? What happened to Princess?" I replied with a smile. "Just thought to try it out. I'll stick with Princess though. And you can call me Gumdrop." I laughed, "Gumdrop? Yeah, that's a turn on." Alex smirked and said, "It's so hot, the sun's jealous."
  9. When the bell rang, I said bye to Alex and strolled into Algebra 2. "Hey, how was the carnival?" April asked with a smile. "It was fine." Excluding when I almost died. "Did you see Zac flirting with any other girls?" She asked. " Not that I saw," I replied quietly. Was Zac flirting with me? Just because he called me cute doesn't mean he was flirting, right? "I wish I went. We would've had so much fun! I could've hooked you up with Alex if you wanted me to..." she said, nudging me on the arm. "Actually, Tara beat me to it. She set Natalie with him so I just went off with this other guy named Christofer." "Natalie is such a whore. I got in a fight with her last year and I'm pretty sure I won. There's a video on YouTube of it, you should watch it. I kicked some serious ass," April said with a grin. "I'll try and look at it today," I responded with a small laugh. The class went by fast, and when the break bell rang, I exited quickly because I wanted to search for Christofer.
  10. I scoped the crowd of teenagers, but couldn't spot him. I decided to just take the easy way so I went to the office and asked if Christofer was here today. "Why do you want to know?" Mrs. Snider asked curiously. "Erm...I found his notebook and I wanted to give it back to him," I lied. Mrs. Snider eyed me and then finally said, "Hm, well it seems that he's absent today so you might want to wait to give his notebook back tomorrow." I nodded a thanks and went out the door and walked to the usual table where Alex, Sam, and Nick were sitting at. I took a seat next to Sam who offered some of his Hot Cheetos to me and I merely accepted. "Why were you in the office?" Nick inquired. "Um...I was...getting a band aid," I lied. Okay yeah, I'm not the best liar in the world but hey, it's better than nothing. I didn't want to say the truth because then Alex would know and then he'd be all up in my Kool-Aid lecturing me about staying away from Christofer again. "You don't have a band aid on though," Alex studied. "It's in my bag," I replied lamely. "What was the point of getting a band aid if you weren't going to wear it?" He scoffed. "Just to be on the safe side. If you, Sam, or Nick accidentally cut yourselves and your finger was bleeding, you'd be like, 'oh my gosh I need a band aid' and then I'd get the band aid out and basically save your life," I said smoothly. Score. Alex: 5 Me: 1.
  11. He decided to drop it and I gave him a smile meaning to mock him. "Was the carnival fun?" Sam asked me. "Yeah, it was great. They had some good pretzels. You guys should have went," I replied with a small smile. I stole a quick glance at Alex who gave me a playful, adorable nose scrunched face. I wanted to keep the whole Ferris Wheel thing on the down low. In fact, I was surprised that no one who was actually there to witness it didn't mention it to anybody. I was secretly hoping I'd make it on the news, or at least the newspaper, but I guess things like that aren't newsworthy enough. "I wish I could have. You didn't go, Nick?" Sam asked. "No, I had to visit my brother," He replied flatly. "We don't exactly have a healthy relationship."
  12. I didn't know how to respond to that. I mean, if he didn't sound so mono toned I'd probably try and make a joke out of it and suggest to eat bananas. You get it? Bananas are healthy and their relationship is unhealthy? I'm hilarious. Don't even try to deny it. Luckily I was saved by the bell. I left the bunch with a wave goodbye and headed off to social studies with the boring Mr. Woodbury and Chewbacca and Justin Bieber's offspring, Tara. I approached Mr. Woodbury confidently and asked, "I'd like to be assigned to a new seat." Mr. Woodbury just kept writing on the board like he didn't hear me at all. "Mr. Woodbury?" He turned around and sighed. "Sorry, but all the seats are taken. Why do you want to switch with Tara? She said you two have been getting along perfectly." "She actually said that? We barely even TALK to each other!" I retorted. "Just take your seat or else I'll mark you tardy," he threatened. "Oh yeah, I'm so scared." I didn't realize I saw that out loud and I got a glare from Mr. Woodbury. He got out a slip of paper, scribbled some things down, and gave it to me. The heading, in big bold letters read, 'LUNCH DETENTION'.
  13. I groaned and took my seat and stuffed the slip in my binder where Tara giggled. "Shut up," I told her. "You shut up. You don't want another detention, do you?" I decided to just ignore her because if I strangled her right now then I'd get something far worse than a lunch detention and I didn't want that. Natalie, I noticed, sits behind us so Tara is almost always turned around to talk to her so at least I get some good gossip to listen to. "How was Alex last night?" Tara asked. Natalie shrugged. "We didn't talk. He seemed more interested in getting Christofer; maybe he's gay. But whatever, I've moved on to Zac Anderson, April's boyfriend." Tara smirked and said, "Remember the last time you stole her boyfriend?" "Yeah, I beat her up." "More like the other way around." What an amazing best friend Tara is, don't you think? Natalie ignored her comment and said, "The heart wants what the heart wants."
  14. There was no more gossip after that so I sort of blanked out the rest of the class until the lunch bell rang. I took out my slip and saw that lunch detention served in Room 408. I walked up to Mr. Woodbury and asked, "So like, do I get my food and then go, or what?" He just nodded so I'll take that as a yes. I was walking past the front gates of the school to get to the lunch lines when I heard a car honk. I turned and saw an old, yet classic pick up truck. Behind the wheel was Christofer. He got out of the truck and walked up to the gates where I was standing. "Why aren't you in school?" I asked him. "Why are you IN school?" He replied with a smile. "Because it's the law." "I'm not that big on the law." "So then why are you here?" "To take you out." Take me out? Who does this guy think he is? Okay yeah, he saved me from death twice, if you count the dream, but does he really expect me to just ditch school and go with him to who knows where? "Right now?" "That's the plan." "Well I can't." "Why not?" "I have lunch detention." "It can wait." "No, it can't. I don't want to get into even more trouble by skipping lunch detention and then skipping school." Christofer laughed and then said, "The detention teacher wont notice." I gave him a look and said, "Because I've been avoiding my past 5 lunch detentions and still haven't been caught," he replied with a grin.
  15. "Well that's you. That's not me." "Are you sure about that?" "Of course I am." Christofer smirked and said, "Even for a chance to interrogate me?" My stomach dropped. This was my chance. But I'm just not that type of person to skip school like this. 'I'd rather do it after school." Christofer grinned. "Great, then I'll pick you up at 7." With that, he turned around smoothly and drove away in his pick up truck.

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