Augustus - National level quiz

what is genius? A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient. A person of extraordinary intellect and talent: "One is not born a genius, one becomes a genius" .

It is a national level quiz contest based on your general knowledge and intelligence. You are genius or not depend on the percentage, you score here. best of luck for your future...........

Created by: Sahil Ahuja

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who got the first nobel prize in mathematics ?
  2. who got a nobel prize in physics in 1954?
  3. what is the best way to have data and slide number appear on every slide?
  4. Which is the longest national highway in the world ?
  5. World's largest tomb?
  6. What is the world's largest river?
  7. national bird of bangladesh?
  8. world's Best Airline Alliance for 2011?
  9. Third person on the moon?
  10. Who is the co-founder of microsoft?

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