Atoms And Molecules

This quiz is related to your chapter ATOMS AND MOLECULES. As you know I have already explained you in the class about this chapter . Now you will be able to attempt these easy questions that are belonging to my explaining and chapter,

Complete this interesting quiz by Ticking the correct answers given in this quiz. I hope you will be do this quiz excellent . I have already explained you all in the class about this chapter .

Created by: shiza
  1. When atoms combine together they form:
  2. When different types of molecules chemically combine together they are:
  3. How many planets are there?
  4. PH value of water is.
  5. Study of living organisms.
  6. Formula of water.
  7. Ozone molecules have ______ oxygen atoms.
  8. Water formula contains 2 hydrogen atoms and 1________ atoms.
  9. ________ formula show how many atoms and kinds of atoms.
  10. In which branch of science we study about chemical reactions.

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