Are your parents going to get Divorced? Quiz

Have you ever wondered if your parents are ever going to divorce? Well then this is the right quiz for you! Take the quiz and see your results. It's okay if you're disappointed.

If your answer is "Yes," I am terribly sorry. If your answer is "No," then good for you! If your answer is "I'm Not Sure," then retake the quiz and make sure you answered each question correctly.

Created by: anna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do your parents fight a lot?
  2. Do either/both of your parents have a serious problem? (drinking, smoking,etc.)
  3. Do you think your dad loves you?
  4. Do you think your mom loves you?
  5. Does your dad try/make time to spend with you?
  6. How many siblings do you have?
  7. Do your parents seem to care about your other siblings?
  8. Do your parents seem to care about you?
  9. Do either of your parents make love affections to one another? (kissing, hugging, etc.)
  10. Does your mom try/make time to spend with you?
  11. Are you ready to see the results of your quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am Ir parents going to get Divorced? Quiz You can find more quizzes like this one in our Divorce Quiz category.