Are you Zoey or Gaby? (free rein)

Hi! just wanted to make this bc was bored! are you Gaby? Or Zoey????? take this quiz to figure out! you will be asked your dream horse your hair color and some cases

in what you could do! so please DO NOT lie on this quiz! pick whats true! it could lead to false answer if you lie! sooooooo pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee DONTTT LIEEE

Created by: Rayne
  1. your dream horse your mom is about to buy! but then a hurt horse with a dirty matted coat comes up. What do you do?
  2. lets say your sick. and you didnt feed your horse! what do you do?
  3. are you the leader? or second in command?
  4. fav color?
  5. your color eyes?
  6. hair color?
  7. your dream horse?
  8. you get in a fight with your cousin.. they tell you your selfish! you?
  9. have you ever lied?
  10. do you have a horse?

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Quiz topic: Am I Zoey or Gaby? (free rein)
