Are you therian, or human?

This quiz will determine if your a therian or human, and remember, don't come on here just to bully therians! This is an accurate quiz and make sure to rate and comment!

If you are against therians/furries, then get off my quiz. Please enjoy this quiz and if you're here for reassurance, this quiz will help you trust your instinct.

Created by: yourlocal_therian
  1. Do you feel connected to a certain non-human animal?
  2. Do you get shifts? If so, what type? Not every therian gets shifts by the way!
  3. How do you feel when you are eating?
  4. Why are you taking this quiz?
  5. Have you ever growled/ made animal noises to someone who antagonized you?
  6. Do you remember a past life as a certain animal? (Not all therians have past lives)
  7. If you could choose to be reborn as another organism other than a human, what would it be?
  8. Do you feel connected to any of these places?
  9. What do you think you will get?
  10. Rate/comment? (Doesn't count)
  11. What do you think about the quiz? (Doesn't count)
  12. Are you excited? (Doesn't count)

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Quiz topic: Am I therian, or human?
