Are you stupid?

Do you think your smart? Probably. Do your parents/teachers tell you your smart? Probably. Do you know that your smart? Probably not. Take this quiz to find out!

Now, don't get overexited once you get a good score. This is the first one I've made, and it has alot of stupid questions. The only way to get a bad score on this thing is to purposley get all the answers wrong. You've been warned!

Created by: Bob
  1. Did/Do you have good grades?
  2. Do your friends call you 'Stupid' or 'Special?'
  3. How many times did it take you to get a job?
  4. Do you know what algebra is?
  5. Were you born with mental retardedness?
  6. Do you really think your smart?
  7. Did you go to college?
  8. Frank goes to the store every week to buy 5 bags of carrots. How many bags will he buy in 3 weeks?
  9. Can you divide by zero?
  10. How well do you think you did on this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I stupid?