Are you stranger than a Widowed War Donkey? | Comments

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  • Thirty seven percent,cool I guess lol. I am very unique and weird like but not insane xD

  • Answer: 1:7 2:1 3:6 4:4 5:6 6:3 7:1 8:2 9:4 10:4 11:5

    12:5 13:5 14:1 15:4 16:5 17:6 18:2 19:3 20:6 21:6

    Are you stranger than a Widowed War Donkey?

    You are 85% stranger then every other being in the universe WARNING:

    The following user is one of the strangest creatures in existence. Or maybe

    you don't exist, maybe nothing does. Or at least that's what the goverment wants

    you to think! It's a conspiracy I say! They're working with the Widowed War

    Donkeys! Traitors, prepare for war Blinky Bill, the time of judgement is at hand!

  • Answer: 1:7 2:1 3:6 4:4 5:6 6:3 7:1 8:2 9:4 10:4 11:5

    12:5 13:5 14:1 15:4 16:5 17:6 18:2 19:3 20:6 21:6

    Are you stranger than a Widowed War Donkey?

    You are 85% stranger then every other being in the universe WARNING:

    The following user is one of the strangest creatures in existence. Or maybe

    you don't exist, maybe nothing does. Or at least that's what the goverment wants

    you to think! It's a conspiracy I say! They're working with the Widowed War

    Donkeys! Traitors, prepare for war Blinky Bill, the time of judgement is at hand!


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