Are you smarter than a normal person? (MATH) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you smarter than a normal person? (MATH).

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  • 90% Because I said it was kinda easy instead of very easy lol

    Wedgie Girl
  • I know that this is an old quiz, but questions 1 and 9 are wrong. The answer for #1 is -416, and the answer for #9 is -2,054. Just sayin'.

  • How on earth did you get such an answer on number 1? Oh, I scored 90% on the test (but due to the first question, I was not able to get a perfect score). Where I had got was like negative 2hundred somthing. Where as you claim the correct answer to be around 1,000. Oh, and for who ever needs to know the order of operations, think P.E.M.D.A.S. parenasies exponets multiplication division adding subtracting. The M and the D can be switched around. Same goes for addition and subtraction. Well, I am no math teacher, but that was a short lesson on P.E.M.D.A.S. Thank you, have a nice day morning evening thing.

  • Hey tard, there are problems on your quiz that dont have the correct answer as an optoin.

  • funny thing is that I guessed on the order of operations I didn't feel like doing them :))

  • Two of your answers are wrong.

    Refer to "Order of operations" in mathematics.


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