Are you SKITTLES or M&Ms?

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This quiz was made out of boredom. Anyways, thanks for clicking it. This is for fun so don't take the results to seriously! MUSIC RULES!!!! Just go on now.

Are you Skittles or M&Ms? Have you ever thought that? Well, with this quiz you'll easily figure out. This quiz is painless. Also it will only take a few minutes. So go on take it now.

Created by: Raven Morgatha
  1. Do you like Skittles or M&Ms? (I know this is a dumb question.)
  2. Are you sweet by nature?
  3. Are you most liked?
  4. Imagine: You see a girl on a street crying. Her dressed is burnt and she looks badly singed. You ask,"What's wrong?" She says,"My house is burnt." What do you do?
  5. I feel sad.
  6. Imagine: You see two teen arguing, both girls, then one hits the other. "What's wrong?" You asked. One said,"This girl is my girlfriend. But she cheated on me!" What do you do?
  7. An a scale of 1-6,six being more ine being less, how awesome do you think you are?
  8. Wull you rate?
  9. Will you comment? (No effect.)
  10. Byee.

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Quiz topic: Am I SKITTLES or M&Ms?