Are you red or blue? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you red or blue?

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  • This is so true haha :P
    Are you red or blue?
    Your Result: Red

    You are balanced. You like to hang out, but are helpful and appreciated. You don't go over the edge in life, but you try hard to succeed. Just remember to stay who you are: kind and sensible.

  • Blue,I am very adventurous along with taking a liking to being in the wilderness with the wildlife alot too. I also enjoy being alone usually. Cool quiz mate.

  • ult: Red

    You are balanced. You like to hang out, but are helpful and appreciated. You don't go over the edge in life, but you try hard to succeed. Just remember to stay who you are: kind

    lol cool i love red but blue if the #1 fav lol luv ya red! cool quiz!


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