are you really rascist?

For all the people that call you rascist take this test to find out if you really are or not.True rascism isnt planned it just comes as you go. So if you dont like the idea of being rascist take this quiz and put your mind at ease.

Are you rascist? Find out by taking this wonderful quiz to test your rascism. This quiz tests different rascist levels by asking different different questions on nationalitys and stereotypes.

Created by: mike r
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you feel gays should be treated equaly?
  2. What do you think when you see a muslim?
  3. Should hitler be remembered as a great person?
  4. what should we do about mexico and the illegal aliens?
  5. whats your thought on asians?
  6. whats your thought on racial slurs
  7. what do you think of when u hear fried chicken, red kool aid, and watermelon?
  8. whats your thought on hockey?
  9. who normally plays basket ball?
  10. whats wrong with new york?

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Quiz topic: Am I really rascist?