Are you ready for a training bra?

This quiz is all about whether you need a training bra or not. It's best if you take this quiz before you ask your mom for a training bra, and you won't make a fuss if she says no.

Have fun taking the quiz, and don't worry if you get a low mark. If you do, keep taking this quiz overtime, and eventually, you'll get a high mark! Have fun, and be honest!

Created by: Tanya
  1. What is your bra size? Sorry if this is too personal, but you have to be honest.
  2. Do you have bumps under your nipples?
  3. Have you been thinking about asking your mom to buy you a training bra?
  4. Do you feel awkward while you are changing in the change room at school because you don't have a bra?
  5. Do most or all of your friends wear training bras or bras?
  6. Favorite pet? (Doesn't count)
  7. Bye!
  8. JK!
  9. Okay, bye, for real.
  10. blahhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for a training bra?
