Are you pritty?

Do you think you are beautiful? Well find out right now with this test. It is 100% accurate, and all it is is 12 questions. Have fun and I hope you like it!

Apparently you have to write two opening paragraphs, but I have really nothing to say. And really no one is actually going to read these anyway. I like pancakes more than waffles.

Created by: sarha
  1. First of all, do YOU think you're pretty?
  2. Generally, do other people think you're pretty? (And when I say "people" I mean in your age group)
  3. What animal best describes your appearance and mannerisms?
  4. I you could have one of these super power what would it be?
  5. I know I have already asked this but it is the MOST important, do you believe you are pretty?
  6. Do you have good hygiene? (This is going to impact your score, but I am not going to say anything about to in the blurb. If you marked the "No" box, please, even if you score turns out perfect, do something about it. Hygiene is very important, and in the long run can impact your physical AND mental health).
  7. What do you think is your best features?
  8. Do you wear a lot of makeup?
  9. Do you have a lot of friends that like you for who you are?
  10. Do you enjoy shopping?

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Quiz topic: Am I pritty?