are you pregnant?

Do you suspect your pregnant? Well this quiz might help you. You might want to take a prenancy test. Or talk to your doctor. are you thinking about baby books and baby names? are you looking trough parenting books?

Have been sleeping around? Are you not birthcontrol? Do you think your pregnant? Well this quiz could help you! You might want to take a prenancy test. Or talk to your doctor. are you thinking about baby books and baby names? are you looking trough parenting books?

Created by: brianna

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have you had unprotected sex??
  2. have you gotten alot fatter latly??
  3. have you been getting sick in the mornings
  4. have you been alot more emotional latly??
  5. do you have to pee alot
  6. have you been craving weird foods
  7. did you skip a period
  8. do ppl get annoyed with you coz ur always criing over stupid sh*t
  9. is your stomache getting harder??
  10. are your ankles swelling up for no reason?
  11. are your nails and hair growing a lot latly??

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Quiz topic: Am I pregnant?