Are you potty trained

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This is to see where you are on the road to being potty training, what you should be wearing. So do this test to see if you are fully potty trained or not.

You must answer the questions with what fits you the best and do as the result says and wear that type of underwear that is recommended for you. Thank for playing.

Created by: diapers for all
  1. Do you always make it to the bathroom in time
  2. Can you use the toilet
  3. Do you like the toilet
  4. Do you wet the bed
  5. Do you pee your pants on purpose or on accident
  6. Do you mess, poop, the bed on accident or purpose?
  7. Do you mess you pants/diaper on purpose or accident both count
  8. Are you still potty training
  9. What is your gender
  10. If you said yes on any of the following question numbers 4,5,6,7 then how bad was it
  11. How often do you wet or mess yourself yes in a diaper counts?

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Quiz topic: Am I potty trained

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