Are you lazy???

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Are you lazyy well thiss test I guess you tell u if you are or are not, have fun and comment and rate this quizzz.... I already know I lllllllllaaaaaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

lllllllllaaaaaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyyyy!!!! lllllllllaaaaaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyyyy!!!!have fun and comment and rate this quizzz.... I already know I lllllllllaaaaaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyyyy!!!!!have fun and comment and rate this quizzz.... I already know I

Created by: Yoi Morgan
  1. Do you sleep until noon or after
  2. Your friend needs to get their car out from behind yours. Do you give them the keys to move it, so you can avoid getting up?
  3. Are there any empty shampoo bottles in your shower?
  4. Do you wait for elevators even though the stairs are quicker?
  5. Do you separate your whites from your colors?
  6. You're napping on the couch when your friend calls to remind you they need help moving. Do you:
  7. Ok I'm too lazy to finish this quiz
  8. These questions do not affect you
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Rate and comment

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Quiz topic: Am I lazy???

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