Are You Healthy?

I know that people, especially young teenager girls think they are fat. I also thought I was fat so I started eating less... Avoiding breakfast and so on. But then I realized it was stupid. You worry you are fat because you don't want other people thinking you are a big bag of fatness. But if you stop eating, you'll ruin your life as a teenager. You will only be a young bright teen for only couple years so don't ruin it thinking you are fat!!

Everyone asks them the question: Am I fat? Am I healthy? Why can't I be like the women in the magazines? Well, stop asking yourselves that, if you want to know if you are healthy, you are in the right place!! Take this quiz to find out if you are healthy! Find out in a couple of minutes and I'll give you a few tips too!!

Created by: Alexandra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So... What do you eat in the morning? (Breakfast).
  2. Lunch?
  3. Do you have snacks after school or even during weekends or holidays?
  4. If you do eat a snack... What IS your snack? ( answers 1, 2 together makes answer 5.).
  5. And finally... The dinner.
  6. Do you eat during the night?
  7. How often do you exercise or do sports?
  8. Do you smoke? Are there people in your family that smoke and that you are around most of the time?
  9. How do you choose to spend your weekends or holidays?
  10. Do you drink alcohol?

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Quiz topic: Am I Healthy?